The artist would like to call the unique, one -of-a-kind paintings, created by a combined procedure of silkscreen printing and painting, Screenpaintings.
Silk screening technique used here is not treating it as a machine in Andy Warhol's days but as another type of artist's brush.
Positive films are created when the artist paints on them using large Chinese brushes and ink. During the process of exposing the screens, some marks are lost due to the fragile nature of the ink on the surface of the film. The artist is intrigued by what is captured in the final screen and views this as a 'spontaneous' collaboration with silkscreen maker.
Exuberance Blue, 100 x 170 cm, silkscreen paint and ink on linen, 2017
A Thousand Blue Skies, 100 x 170 cm, silkscreen paint and ink on linen, 2017 Private Collection
Forest Wind, 55 x 110 cm, silkscreen paint and ink on canvas, 2017, Private Collection
Coral Waves, 55 x 110 cm, silkscreen paint and ink on canvas, 2017. Private Collection
Chromium Green, 90 x 177 cm, silkscreen paint on canvas, 2017 ( Exhibited in Liaigre Singapore )
Black Pearl, 90 x 177 cm, silkscreen paint on canvas, 2017 ( Exhibited in Liaigre Singapore )
Composition #1 Triptych with Blue Stripe, 127 x 130 cm, silkscreen paint and pigments on linen, 2018
Composition #2 Triptych with Turquoise Stripe, 127 x 130 cm, silkscreen paint and pigments on linen, 2018
Voice of Emerald, 80 x 115 cm, silkscreen paint and pigments on linen, 2017. Private Collection
Rhythm of Azure, 80 x 115 cm, silkscreen paint and pigments on linen, 2017. Private Collection